This class provides common account related RPC calls including signing transactions with a KeyPair.




accountId: string
connection: Connection


  • Returns the NEAR tokens balance and validators of a given account that is delegated to the staking pools that are part of the validators set in the current epoch.

    NOTE: If the tokens are delegated to a staking pool that is currently on pause or does not have enough tokens to participate in validation, they won't be accounted for.

    Returns Promise<ActiveDelegatedStakeBalance>

  • Returns the state (key value pairs) of this account's contract based on the key prefix. Pass an empty string for prefix if you would like to return the entire state.


    • prefix: string | Uint8Array

      allows to filter which keys should be returned. Empty prefix means all keys. String prefix is utf-8 encoded.

    • blockQuery: BlockReference = ...

      specifies which block to query state at. By default returns last "optimistic" block (i.e. not necessarily finalized).

    Returns Promise<{
        key: Buffer;
        value: Buffer;

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